Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Fruitful to the End!

Sorry for my absence - may this devotional truth and example energize you for this beautiful season!  My New Zealand daughter blessed me today with this devotional.  Ann

Fruitful to the End




Today's Scripture & Insight:

Although Lenore Dunlop was ninety-four years young, her mind was sharp, her smile was bright, and her contagious love for Jesus was felt by many. It wasn’t uncommon to find her in the company of the youth of our church; her presence and participation were sources of joy and encouragement. Lenore’s life was so vibrant that her death caught us off guard. Like a powerful runner, she sprinted across life’s finish line. Her energy and zeal were such that, just days before her death, she completed a sixteen-week course that focused on taking the message of Jesus to the peoples of the world.
The fruitful, God-honoring life of Lenore illustrates what’s seen in Psalm 92:12–15. This psalm describes the budding, blossoming, and fruit-bearing of those whose lives are rooted in a right relationship with God (vv. 12–13). The two trees pictured were valued for their fruit and wood, respectively; with these the psalmist captures a sense of vitality, prosperity, and usefulness. When we see in our lives the budding and blossoming fruit of loving, sharing, helping, and leading others to Christ, we should rejoice.
Even for those who may be labeled “senior” or “seasoned,” it’s never too late to take root and bear fruit. Lenore’s life was deeply rooted in God through Jesus and testifies to this and to God’s goodness (v. 15). Ours can too.

Father, give me the strength to bear fruit that clearly demonstrates that my life is rooted in the life of Jesus, Your Son.
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Sunday, October 27, 2019

Seeds of Grace

Sunday, October 27, 2019.
Google yesterday's devotional in Daily Bread, Seeds of Grace! It's insightful. The writer points out that God's creation works in ways we cannot comprehend or control - seeds travel to fertile ground by wind, birds,animals and rivers. Jesus adds that the same principle applies to the kingdom of God - Mark 4:26-27: "A man scatters seed on the ground . . . the seed sprouts and grows, though he does not know how.".
The writer goes on to say, "God brings life and healing into the world as pure gifts, without our manipulation. We do whatever God asks of us, and then we watch life emerge. We know that everything flows from His grace!"  Thank you Father for your perfect justice and powerful mercy, for the lessons learned from nature - man is truly "without excuse" (Romans 1:20).

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Prepare for the Polls!

October 19, 2019.
Biblical wisdom says: "Tune your ears to wisdom, and concentrate on understanding. Cry out for insight, and ask for understanding. Search for them as you would for silver . . . Then you will understand what is right, just and fair, and you will find the right way to go. For wisdom will enter your heart, and knowledge will fill you with joy," (Proverbs 2:2-10 NLT).

Do you know what your world view is? Or the world view of your local political candidates? I encourage you to search seriously. For example, politicians have declared that we have a climate crises without providing any supporting scientific evidence. For a wise and thoughtful look at the facts of this issue, google this week's Lethbridge Herald article, "A fact-check on promises: Political parties' emissions pledges aren't realistic."  The writer, Cosmos Voutsinos, is a Lethbridge based professional engineer whose career included work ranging from system designs in the Canadian nuclear industry to the construction management of U.S. power plants in Taiwan. He states, "Politicians in Government have the power to change the policies and the laws of our country but they cannot change the laws of physics."    

Vote according to your world view and exercise your freedom of thought, speech, religion and conscience. Please don't be cowed by political correctness. The well being of the people must be paramount in the mind of the government.

Monday, October 14, 2019

All Things Bright and Beautiful

Welcome back to Norford's Ramblings on Monday, October 14, 2019 - Thanksgiving Day!
The luscious Thanksgiving meal I have just enjoyed at my new address: Pemmican Lodge, 102 - 5 Ave. S., Lethbridge, Ab. T1J 0S9, flooded my mind with harvest songs that have been sung in God-fearing communities for centuries. For the Beauty of the Earth, Now Thank we all our God, and the children's hymn of praise: All Things Bright and Beautiful are some old favorites that come to mind.  An Irish lass, Cecil Frances Alexander (1818-95) wrote many hymns, but this latter children's hymn has stood the test of time, and today the words fit in with ecological concerns of both adults and children. Mrs. Alexander had a strong social conscience and worked tirelessly for the relief of the poor. Many of her hymns, inspired by what she saw around her, provide a glimpse of life in Ireland in the mid-nineteenth century.
This Thanksgiving I am delighted to be back on-line and in touch with you all. I am specifically grateful to God, and my 'techy' daughter Alexandra-Joy for re-connecting me to blogger sphere this weekend! Also to my local daughter Karen and New Zealand daughter Heather for their continued encouragement. A real bonus for me is that Bryan's fans can now access his old blogs! And I was always his No.1 fan!  I am trusting God for a weekly blog and that I will continue his legacy and love of religion and politics!
Praying your Thanksgiving has been full to the brim of blessings from above.