Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Tuesday February 17, 2009

Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart. Jeremiah 1:5.

The family are all home to various parts of the world, the house load is winding down and now we have the memories for a life time and about 2000 pictures between us to help us remember. We are overwhelmed with the graciousness of God to let us have this special time together. But then he knew all about us before we were born, all the joys and sorrows that would accompany us on our earthly pathway. I would rather live with this knowledge—in good times and in bad—than in a solitary lost existence somewhere in the universe.

To live without God is to live as an orphan, bereft of any identity or ultimate knowledge of the reality and substance of life, and also no knowledge of what is beyond this life. My apologies for coming back over the last few blogs to death, but this is where the rubber meets the road. Either we have the assurance of security for the future or we don’t and this is where it shows. Someone facing a terminal illness recently asked the question: “Where am I going?” When God incarnate in Christ has done so much to reassure us, the ultimate tragedy is not knowing.

But it also counts where we are now. The events of the last few weeks, in spite of the heavy load at times, will rank as one of the great highlights of this life. And it is all the more meaningful knowing he knew all about it, rejoiced in our happiness, and also has all those pictures to reminisce with us when we are all together again permanently.

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