Thursday, June 2, 2011

Gone with the . . . ?

The movie “Gone with the Wind” celebrates 75 years this month. Probably number two only to The Sound of Music, most of the older generation and many of the younger will have seen it, or at least be aware of its risqué start—quite tame by today’s low standards.

But few know that both the Old Testament Hebrew and New Testament Greek use the same word for wind or breath and spirit, context determining which word is meant. This leads to some interesting word play in both Testaments.

In the Old Testament’s story of the valley of dry bones , Ezekiel 37:4–14, the “breath” of new life for the dry bones, could be translated “Spirit” as it is in the last verse. The breath of God is His Spirit. In the New Testament, Jesus uses a similar wordplay in John 3:8 with Nicodemus
This led me to parody the film title for my latest book, “Gone with the Spirit,” a trek through Scripture observing the Spirit of God “breathing” over the world and on its human inhabitants. I used a similar technique for the title of my previous book, “Guess Who’s Coming to Reign” from the film: “Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner.”

Information about these books is on our website, and the books are available on line and in bookstores. I trust you find either book informative and enjoyable.

Life’s priorities will determine whether you find our books as enjoyable as “Gone with the Wind.” Earthly resources, as pleasant as they can be, provide only a shadow of the joy and meaning for life that daily living and future expectations with our Creator provide.

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