There are many animals I would rather not be, and the caterpillar is top of the list. It’s a decidedly grubby life, and a place of distinct vulnerability. But on consideration, it seems not much different than our life on earth.
The caterpillar is a non-biblical example of the life,
death and resurrection each new spring brings us. But Jesus specifically portrays
the death of a seed that brings new life (John 12:24), and Paul the bulb that
provides the flower (1 Corinthians 15:37–38).
Even those of us of lesser
beauty will all be an accurate reflection of the beauty of God. But as the
gardener knows the flower that will come from the seed, and the naturalist
knows the butterfly that comes from the caterpillar, we will be recognisable
within the new beauty.
But in all these things, Jesus Christ is the centre,
and is always the centre. His resurrection is essential to the Christian faith,
for it confirms Gods acceptance of the redemption gained for us at the cross.
Thus His resurrection ensures ours.
So every fresh bud,
each new butterfly, all signs of new life, point to the reality of resurrection.
they reinforce our belief that resurrection is God’s design, not only for the
earth He has given us, but also, and especially, in the promise of our resurrection
to glory with Him.