Friday, April 3, 2009

Friday, April 3, 2009

Get rid of all bitterness, rage, anger, harsh words and slander, as well as all types of evil behaviour. Ephesians 4:31

At last; a shower! And a promise of release in 24 hours. It is easy to see how anger can build up in hospital situations where pain and hopelessness converge. But this has to be counterbalanced by the kindness and dedication of doctors and staff toward their patients. Although my situation is a passing one, it is easy to become impatient with short term progress, especially when linked to the discomfort of tubes and drip that hinder movement.

The present diagnosis is that I can leave hospital tomorrow (Saturday), with some medication and a couple of drainage tubes! A nurse will come in twice a day to make sure everything is as it should be. I find it difficult to improve strength in the hospital—the food is not all that good!—opportunity for exercise and staff help to move around is limited. But today I have been thankful again for the facilities and people available: particularly the specific doctors God has provided to us.

There will be a time of recovery. Trips back to remove staples and tubing. Must not sound too exciting, but it’s a path on the way to, we hope, permanent recovery. Thanks to all of you who have prayed and sent your warm thoughts our way. Some of you have read our blogs, sent emails, come to the hospital to chat and pray. Both Ann and I feel blessed to have such a supportive community of family and friends.

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