Monday, July 18, 2011

Redeeming the Time

It is difficult for Ann and I not feel the tide rising as we wade into our mid seventies. If there is any time that we feel more jealous of the days we have left, it is contemplating our mortality and how little of it we may have left. Mind you, our concern is less about our death that how we use our time before full tide.

I recall, as an architectural student, an outdoor freehand sketching class. I never enjoyed freehand drawing—never felt adequate enough for it. So I tackled it with a high level of disregard. However, the instructor advised, ”You are putting two hours of your life on this paper—two hours you will never have again.”

His words remain with me to this day, becoming evermore meaningful as I age. I’ve found increasing age brings a reversal of attitudes and goals fostered in youth. For instance, I have more confidence and less doubt about my faith—just as well when facing eternity!

But specifically, I am more concerned with using my time profitably for God’s kingdom, and less on the many frivolities retirement can bring. I feel saddened as I visit our local seniors’ centre. Good healthy people just filling in time, seeking some form of enjoyment, before they die.

So we write. The main purpose is to leave a legacy of our faith and guidance for our children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren God has blessed us with. That legacy of faith may well last for many generations; much of our story will not be told before eternity.

If there is a spin off for the encouragement of others, we are grateful. Now, so little time, so much to do. But our greatest comfort is that God will not call us home until our work is done.

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