Sunday, February 2, 2014

Children: A Lost Priority

Many of you have no doubt heard of the tenancy problems at the MacFarland building in Lethbridge. The problem is wider than reported in the local media, and involves two widely disparate tenancies invited to locate next to each other.

On one side is a children’s music program that runs into the evening hours and the other side of a thin wall is a sexually liberated straight and gay theatre, with rehearsals and public performances taking place—also in the evenings.

The landlord of this building must be either naive or desperate to juxtapose these two tenants, who are at extreme opposite ends of the sexual scale—young children and sexually explicit performers—where sounds from one side permeate the other.

Unfortunately, the theatre saw the problem as “homophobic,” and angrily responded in every media to a complaint from the children’s music program. By considering it as anti-gay, their response has sadly buried the basic problem.

The problem is not homosexuality, but a public adult program of sexuality—of any variety—inappropriately practiced adjacent to a program involving young children. Straight or gay, the theatre is free to rehearse and play its performances, but not within hearing proximity to minors.

One would have hoped that the theatre would have been more sensitive to the presence of the adjacent children than the perceived attack on themselves. The impression they leave is that tolerance for its openness to sexual practices should trump the needs of young children.

But, perhaps, as abortion continues to confirm that children are disposable, we shouldn’t be surprised.


Mary Haskett said...

Brian a very thought provoking piece, and so sad that the welfare of the children is not even a consideration. I pray they can find somewhere else for the little ones.
Mary Haskett

Sharon Espeseth said...

It is unfortunate that the management/owners of the rental facility did not see the inappropriateness of putting these two completely different groups in such close quarters. It is also unfortunate that the theatre group jumped to the conclusion that this was a homophobic issue. Truly, it is a matter of common sense and goodwill to see this wouldn't work.

As a matter of curiosity, which group was there first?

Bryan Norford said...

The children's program has been there several months, and the theatre has just moved in.

Anonymous said...

The bottom line is this: we live in a depraved society and the first victim of depravity is always children. Jesus had some pretty strong words to say about 'those who cause these little ones to stumble'. Praying that He will defend this cause.

Donna Fawcett

Melanie Fischer said...

Your statement at the end speaks volumes. Thank you for taking a stand on this and speaking for those who my otherwise not be heard. These are the reasons why writers have been called to write.