Monday, March 2, 2009

Monday March 2, 2009

May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. 1 Thessalonians 5:23-24.

I must admit, the above seems a tall order for me, and knowing me, for even God himself to deliver! However, although I might strive to achieve that and fail, I am so glad my final acceptance by God is purely through the sacrifice of Jesus to pay my debt. Not only is keeping out of mischief a major concern, it is a purely negative goal; what is of greater concern is the constructive use of any time so sanctified. Our striving is to help fulfil the prayer that “your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.”

Thus it is that Ann and I look back on our time at Winchelsea, and the hard work that it was at times, with satisfaction. As we relax for a week before returning to Canada there is that sense of pleasure as the tiredness drains away. It is like the experience of stiff and aching muscles at the end of a day of physical labour—a strange mixture of pain and pleasure at fulfilment. So the idea of remaining blameless is one of accomplishment not just avoidance. And the idea the that although the coming of Jesus Christ will herald the completion of God’s work on earth, the sense of meaning for this life is having had a part working towards that completion.

I guess a meaningful part of life is what has been accomplished in those that we have conceived and fostered and whose future is still to be played out. Looking back over our earlier life here in England causes us to realize the extent that the story of our lives—both the good and bad—has had and is still having on others. Because there is a sense that blamelessness is partly a positive outcome for those who follow us, it gives meaning to the mundane of daily life.

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