Sunday, May 17, 2009

Sunday May 17, 2009

But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect. 1 Peter 3:15.

I promised in an earlier blog that I would give an update on our book that has recently been published. We originally planned the book as a legacy for our children and grandchildren on our 50th wedding anniversary, but a friend encouraged us to publish it, and several revisions and years later it is now available as Happy Together: Daily insights for Families from Scripture. It is available from Amazon in Canada, the US and the UK and most North American Christian Bookstores and should be available at Chapters/Indigo. If you are in Lethbridge or Calgary books can be obtained directly from us. E-books are also available on line.

The book is intended for those making the choice to marry or live together, and for others who have young families but little time or theological background. In the book we seek to provide young couples wisdom from Bible passages relating to family dynamics from Genesis to Revelation. Anecdotes and stories from life illustrate many of the concepts expressed. Daily insights provide an incremental learning pattern where small changes can significantly improve relationships over time.

Dr. J I Packer has kindly written a foreword for the book in which he affirms: "Their comments on the chosen passages yield a wealth of wisdom on these themes, far more, I guess, that most of us ever dreamed was there." He goes on to say: "Marriage in the Western world is rocky today, and there could hardly be a more strategic time for this book to come on the market. I heartily recommend it. May it have the rich, wide ministry that it deserves."

As many of you know, Ann and I have been married for 54 years, and have over a dozen children, grandchildren and great grandchildren. Ann is completing her Political Science degree and I have a Master of Divinity degree. Before retirement I was an architect and a pastor. We have a number of book signings pending, some in the university and general bookstores and we may encounter questions regarding the Bible’s position on sexual practices. Pray with us that we may be able to answer these questions “with gentleness and respect.”

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