Monday, May 16, 2011

Israeli Border Violence

The border clashes between Arab demonstrators from countries surrounding Israel erupted as forecast in my blog last Thursday. Israel was forced to defend its borders with Lebanon, Syria, Gaza and against demonstrators from the West Bank, East Jerusalem and Jordan.

The result was more than a dozen protestors dead and over 100 injured in the biggest demonstrations for years. Is this the beginning of a new Intifada against Israel? The signs are menacing.

The intifadas against Israel in the past have been by terrorism and bombings within Israel. In many ways, this has worked to Israel’s advantage as the carnage inflicted by these means were discredited by most nations. However, the demonstrations yesterday suggest a new tactic to gain sympathy for the Palestinian cause.

The uprisings in Tunisia and Egypt, have generally received world approval on the basis of the people of those countries desiring a cessation of ruthless dictatorships and a change to democratic reform. The ongoing unrest in Syria and Yemen and attempts in other Arab states suggest there is an area wide reformation taking place.

If the Palestinians can identify themselves with other popular uprisings in the Middle East, their claims appear more reasonable and attract greater sympathy than previous terrorism and bombing of Israel. Now Israel is faced with defending against unarmed crowds, when shear numbers will provoke a violent response to repel invaders across the borders. Yesterday’s incidents have already provided martyrs for the Palestinian cause.

In addition, those seeking a return of the Palestinians from land given to Israel in 1948 are not those who were dispossessed. They would all be aged around 70 to 90 years of age. Later generations, taught hatred of Israel, continue the demand for repatriation. Arab nations surrounding Israel foster this by maintaining their refugee camps for the last 60+ years, using the squalid conditions to sustain anger against Israel.

Furthermore, despite ongoing attempts to broker a peace agreement between Israel and the Palestinians, it is clear that the populations are not interested—they want restoration of their lands. Hamas and Arab nations, still technically at war with Israel, may exploit this opportunity to “liberate” Israel’s “occupied” lands.

For prophecy buffs, the scene is set for Zechariah 14:1–9.

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